Thursday, January 14, 2010

This Is An Experimental Setup Of Murmur With Postgresql What Is An Experimental Setup And A Control Setup?

What is an experimental setup and a control setup? - this is an experimental setup of murmur with postgresql

Help me please:]


sweetgal... said...

Experiment is what we always try to do. The example I have here ..... is tested to determine whether they have HIV person. See below for an example.

Control experiments allow scientists to study one variable at a time "and are an essential part of the scientific method. The idea remains the same control or change the old school ... We do not use this definition.

There are two types of control
1. Positive Control
2. Negative Control

Positive Control
Previous studies have shown that this reaction occurs in a certain way. So you know what happens.
that the positive test is a procedure that is very similar to real experimental test. Confirms the positive control that were the fundamental conditions of the experiment is able to produce a positive result, even if no actual experimental samples produce a positive result.

Negative Control
The negative control shows the results of a baseline test does not produce a measurable signalpositive

For example .. They want to see whether someone is infected with HIV. What he will do is obtain the blood
1. that the person who wants to be tried ... It is therefore experimental
But we must see whether the results you get, really true and is not damaged.

2. So I give another person (in fact, HIV, you know that before) and must receive blood from him .... This is the positive control. In the blood of the person to announce that he has HIV. If the person has experimentally) in the study (the same results as the control person is positive, then you have HIV.

3. Then you also need another person without HIV to see if the experience that we have not broken. Sometimes, some chemicals may be contaminated and could yield incorrect results. So if you're the blood of the person Froom and test .... should provide for the HIV test is negative. Then, the negative control. If the person is giving similar results, the person that studies the negative controls, this means that we are not HIV.

These checks are carried outworldwide in every laboratory. No publication without the Journal will never accept these checks. It is a must.

Jacob S said...

When setting up an experiment, a control group and an experimental group. The control group is the group that has full control and that is experimental, where the fun happens.

Here is a scenario that I see on an experimental basis. The audit of Coca-Cola has an effect on plant growth. First, form your hypothesis.

Coca-Cola will kill the plant.

Then you can configure your test. They had a group that would give plenty of water, sun and the care group (control group). Then you have another group that would be a lot) Coke and Sun Care (experimental group.

The reason for this is that if the experience that you can compare the difference between the group had total control and the group, the variant crazy.

I hope that helped.

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