Friday, February 19, 2010

Dog Osteoarthritis Supplements Statistics Statistics Help Pleaseee?

Statistics help pleaseee? - dog osteoarthritis supplements statistics

how the dogs were health and can cause hip joint pain and the level of activity of a dog. as a reduction of activity can lead to health problems such as weight gain. A study to see which of the two supplements, glucosamine or chlorination effective in promoting the health of joints and hip and reduce the incidence of canine arthritis. Researchers will randomly select a total of 300 dogs from ten different large veterinary practices throughout the country. All dogs over 6 years, and their owners have their consent to participate in the study. Changes in the hip and health will be evaluated after 6 months of treatment.

a) What would be a Advatages the addition of a control group in the design of this study?

b) Under the assumption that a control is added to the other two working groups to explain how the 300 dogs, these groups were assigned in a completely random design.

Please help!


Aeternus... said...

I'll post here, which requires more work, and the problem is not removed before anyone can help:)

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